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Inclusion Australia

Collaborating with a nationwide network of Inclusion Advisors to present a strong message to government

We worked with Inclusion Australia, the national peak representative body for people with intellectual disability, to create a suite of video resources for government to make their communications and processes more inclusive for people with an intellectual disability.

The resources were developed as a part of Inclusion Australia’s Towards Inclusive Practice (TIP) Project and they were codesigned and created with a national network of people with intellectual disability established by Inclusion Australia.

Image by James Olney

  • Many people with intellectual disability feel powerless when they deal with the government. These video resources honour the voices of people with intellectual disability as they talk about the times they feel powerless, how it makes them feel, and what they would like people who have power to do differently.
  • Filmed in each state and territory in Australia, the resources were successfully codesigned and created with a national network of people with intellectual disability.

Elearning & Advocacy

Filming & Animation Production


Elearning & Advocacy

Filming & Animation Production

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Image by James Olney

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